Using seaweed to replace traditional petroleum-based plastics.

We believe in doing all we can to make the world a better place, starting with our oceans.

Viable Gear seeks to reduce petroleum-based plastics in our ocean by using seaweed to make a plastic replacement for the fishing and aquaculture industries. We believe that we can help reduce plastic pollution in our oceans by using a renewable resource to make gear in a more environmentally responsible manner and perform similarly to existing products. To achieve this, we are bringing together experts in business, materials science, aquaculture, and fishing.

Viable Gear is a mission driven early stage start-up working on materials R&D and product design. Founder and President, Katie Weiler, is talking with as many people as possible working in the fishing and aquaculture industry and continues to want to connect with this community to learn more about what gear you currently use, in which ways, and how it could be improved. 

Viable Consulting helps companies reduce and eliminate their reliance on traditional petroleum‑based products by finding environmentally friendly alternatives that meet the economic and technical requirements of the use case.

Proof of concept material, April 2023.

Proof of concept twine, December 2023.

Founder, Katie Weiler, speaking as a participant in the Seafood Sprint put on by Gulf of Maine Ventures and SeaAhead in 2022.

Funding Sources:

Strength testing twine, December 2023.